The November 27th release date for the Xbox One is just a placeholder being used by Amazon, Microsoft confirmed. "We have not informed our retail partners about a specific launch date for the Xbox One," a Microsoft spokesperson told EGM.
This sort of thing tends to happen quite frequently: a retailer posts a release date and people immediately jump to the conclusion that it will be that exact date the product releases on. When in fact, as Microsoft pointed out, "It is commonplace for retailers to put placeholders dates and prices into our system until they are given a specific date and price."
"We are excited to release the Xbox One in November 2013," the representative left off. Despite no release date, the Xbox One is currently available for pre-order for £425 / €499 / $499 (depending on your market).
Microsoft isn't the only one combating release date rumors. Last week, European retailer Media Markt posted an advertisement for the PS4 with a release date of November 13, 2013.