Microsoft isn’t looking to sell standalone white Xbox One controllers ‘at this time’


You might have been eyeing that Sunset Overdrive bundle, you know…The one with a white Xbox One and Xbox One controller (plus Sunset Overdrive).

 If you want a white Xbox One with a matching white controller, that bundle is the way to go. Oh, and if you want another white controller — buy two bundles, because Microsoft won't be selling standalone controllers.

When Microsoft was asked on Twitter if had any plans to sell standalone white Xbox One controllers, executive Aaron Greenberg said: "Not planning white controllers at this time." Let's hone in on one part of that statement…"at this time." That means that one day we will be seeing a standalone white Xbox One controller.

We've seen a number of standalone Xbox 360 controllers in a variety of colors, no doubt the Xbox One will follow a similar path eventually.
