Microsoft turned down exclusive offer for Disney Infinity 3.0

So much for sharing the pot

The team at Disney Interactive strives to cater to all Disney Infinity fans amid differing platform preferences, and they do a great job of it most times (one glaring exception being the uproar surrounding digital-only Tron figures). However, after yesterday's announcements of a Sony-exclusive Boba Fett figure and the Limited Edition Star Wars Saga Starter Pack for Disney Infinity 3.0 on Playstation 4 and Playstation 3, you wouldn't be blamed for thinking they favour Sony's platforms. Especially considering that earlier this year, they partnered with Sony to release an exclusive Black Suit Spider-Man figure with the launch of Disney Infinity 2.0 for the Playstation Vita.

As disappointing as some of this is for Infinity fans who play on other platforms, that's not to say the team hasn't made efforts outside of these admittedly sweet arrangements. A tweet from John Vignocchi yesterday confirmed that there were plans to arrange something exclusive with Microsoft, similar to the deal Sony got with the Limited Edition Starter Pack. However, as Vignocchi reveals in his tweet, Microsoft chose not to pursue the opportunity.

If recent news has left you upset or confused, this may direct your complaints accordingly. Question is, did the team have similar talks with Nintendo?