Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor has a free trial on Xbox One and PC right now

Plus a huge discount on the Game of the Year Edition.

Shadow of War fast approaches, and it looks like Monolith and Warner Bros. are commencing the hype train with a free trial and sale on Shadow of Mordor. The free trial is happening right now on Steam and Xbox One and the Game of the Year Edition of the game is discounted to a mere $4. PS Plus members can also grab the game for $4, but miss out on the free trial.

The free trial will end on July 9th.

In other Shadow of Mordor news, players will be able to transfer their biggest nemesis and follower in Shadow of War, allowing for a unique carry over to make your journeys feel more personal. This is following its impressive showing at E3 2017 that showed off some evolved interactions.

Source: [Gamespot]