Middle-Earth: Shadow of War is building upon the online components of its predecessor through a mode they are calling Social Conquest. In this most, players can build up a fortress they've captured, purchase upgrades for their army and install commanders and captains for some added defense before uploading it online for others to try and take over. There will also be two different types of conquests in this mode depending on how much prospective Fortress attackers want to gamble.
Well, they aren't so much types as they are tiers. For more casual players, Friendly Conquest simply allows players to jump into an instance of assault, and if they come up short, no harm done. However, if you are the type that likes competing on the Leaderboards, then Ranked Mode is for you.
In Ranked Mode, attackers can earn a higher payout via their Assualt Rating each time they successfully take down a fortress. However, should any of your followers fall in the attack, they are gone forever. Permadeath will no doubt add a certain level of excitement and risk to the equation.
On the plus side, successfully taking down a fortress will net you a conquest loot chest and spoils of war. Spoils of war are a kind of currency that lets you buy spoils of war chests, which contain followers and items to improve and upgrade yourself in the main game. War chests can also be purchased via the recently announced marketplace if you feel like spending real world money.
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War releases on October 10th, 2017 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
Source: [Eurogamer]