Minecraft 1.6 ‘Horse Update’ released, change-log detailed

Minecraft's 1.6 update, dubbed the "Horse Update," is now officially available for download in the new launcher. Mojang released an early version of this update last week, detailing many of the big features. The big attraction is obviously the addition of horses, donkeys, and mules, but there's a ton of new features which can be viewed below:

  • Added Horses
  • Added Donkeys, Mules
  • Added Horse Armor
  • Added Leads
  • Added Carpets
  • Added Hardened Clay, Stained Clay
  • Added Block of Coal
  • Added Name Tags (item)
  • Added Hay Bales
  • Texture packs are now “resource packs” that also can hold sound etc
  • Food meter is now drained when healed by full food meter
  • Removed Herobrine

In a blog post, Mojang also included a change-log regarding Realms. Here is the latest:

  • Added handling of invitations
  • Added resetting realm with one of provided realm templates
  • Added viewing backups for a realm and the ability to restore any of them
  • Added setting the owner of a realm as game master operator
  • Added confirmation screens for various actions (such as deleting a realm)
  • Ability to leave someone else’s realm that previously accepted invitation for.
  • Fixed game mode and game difficulty issue
  • Minor GUI fixes for better usability

You can download the new launchers below: