Minecraft – Pocket Edition 0.8.0 update released

Mojang has announced the release of Mineraft – Pocket Edition update 0.8.0, the "biggest update" the mobile game has seen yet.

"Since the first release of Minecraft – Pocket Edition, we’ve added a bunch of new thing and made massive improvements to the way things look," Mojang's Daniel Kaplan said. Below are the patch notes:

  • Minecarts, rails, and powered rails!
  • The view distance has been massively increased. Check the options menu for more!
  • New textures and colours taken directly from the PC version
  • New blocks: carpets, more wood types, hay bales, iron bars, and more
  • New crops and food types, including beetroot, carrots, potatoes and pumpkins. Now you can cook new soups, pies, and more!
  • A bunch of new items for Creative and Survival, including clocks and compasses
  • More blocks and items to use in Creative Mode: including jungle wood, ice, bedrock, shears, dyes, and tall grass
  • New AI: mobs are now more intelligent and you can even breed your own animals
  • A new Creative Mode inventory with tabs
  • New functionality and tweaks to existing blocks and items. Bonemeal lets you grow new cool stuff!
  • Improved lighting and fog effects
  • Loads of bugs fixed, and possibly some added. 🙂

You can download the latest update on App StoreGoogle Play (and soon on Amazon).