Minecraft En Route to iPhone, iPad

Minecraft, the fan-favorite pixelated brainchild of Markus “Notch” Persson, is headed to the iOS platform later this year. Gamasutra is carrying the story which sees the open world game being made available for the iPhone and iPad, though it won’t be a direct port so expect tweaks that “make sense” for the touch-screen devices.

Although the game is still in beta form, it’s exploded onto the gaming scene with alarming success. Over 1.3 million copies have been purchased since entering beta with the price running at around $20, though there’s no current word on what the pricing will be for the mobile version.

Late last year the game was bringing in over $15,000 per hour for the Swedish development team, who have hired Aron Neiminen to work on the iOS port. The Mojang crew was made up of “an artist, a web site developer, and a business guy” up until early this year where they installed a managing director and a programmer following Minecraft’s success.