Mini-game series leads up to Carrier Command: Gaea Mission

The successor to the popular 1988 strategy title, Carrier Command: Gaea Mission is set to launch for Xbox 360 and PC this fall. The game features strategic gameplay and 30 different islands to battle on. Players will also be able to customize their vehicles to get the most out of the experience.

But that's until fall. What can you do until the launch of Gaea Mission? Well, you can play Carrier Command: Recruits, a series consisting of four mini-games that leads up to the release of the main game.

You can currently play the first episode of this mini-game series. Watch out for the upcoming chapters over the next couple of weeks. They'll lead up to the fourth and final mini-game, set to land on August 9.

But there's more. There's always more! Upon completing the different episodes, if you brag about your accomplishments on Facebook or Twitter before August 20, you'll be eligible to win one of five free downloadable copies of Gaea Mission for the PC. You'll also be guaranteed access to the beta, which is definitely nice.

So yeah, if you're already stoked and watching out for Gaea Mission, check out the Recruits mini-games in the meantime. Because why not?

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