Miyamoto on Zelda Wii U: There may be times where you forget what your goal is

Ok, I'll die of ripe old age playing the game.

Open-world games can be the most amazing immersive glorious environment for some people and for others it can be hell on Earth. What makes open-world hell? Well, the fact that even though you have logged 16 hours into Skyrim and haven't even grabbed the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller for the Greybeards.

If they left the damned mountain maybe the could grab it themselves instead of having me latch on to side quests and diving into every nook and cranny I see because of my open-world ADD (OWADD)…But I digress.

When it comes to the open-world Legend of Zelda game for the Wii U, Shigeru Miyamoto is looking make individuals with OWADD lose their minds. "There may even be times where you forget what your goal is because you're doing other things on the side," he said during an interview with iJustine on YouTube. "There may be times where you go into one big, long dungeon or there may be times where you're headed to a dungeon, and you're doing other things along the side."

There you have it, hope you have plenty of time on your hands.


What games was too open-world for you?

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