MLB.TV, a subscription service that allows you to watch baseball games live from connected devices, will be available on Xbox One and PS4 later this spring.
The $129.99 premium MLB.TV service includes access to every out-of-market regular season game, plus over 200 Sprint Training games. LIVE Game DVR, multi-game viewing, and your choice of home or away feed are also included with the subscription.
MLB.TV is currently supported on over 400 mobile and connected devices including iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, Android smartphones and devices, Amazon Kindle Fire, Windows Phone 8, Xbox 360 and PS3. It's arrival on Xbox One and PS4 this spring means next-gen console owners will have even more entertainment options.
Of course, for Xbox One owners, MLB.TV will be the only sort of baseball they see on the system. Earlier this year, 2K Sports announced it will not be renewing the MLB 2K series for 2014 which means the only baseball game we are getting is MLB 14: The Show which is a PlayStation-exclusive.