Mod that allows you to play as bosses in Dark Souls is nearly complete

Manus vs the Sanctuary Guardian, go!

The Dark Souls mod that will allow you to play the game as the very things that beat you down into submission is nearly complete. Modder DaTeHaCKs is finishing up work on a mod that will do a number of things, one of which is playing as any boss in the game.

The 'Dark Souls Boss Arena Mod' enhances the Debug Mode options for the game and adds its own gameplay options:

  • Play as All Bosses from the game.
  • Control Every Enemy Character.
  • Set Custom "Arena Mode" battles between bosses.
  • Fixes for camera, moves , etc when playing as bosses and enemies. 

Online play is not likely for the mod, so you won't be invading anyone as Ornstein. Other limitation for the mod come from the game's mechanics. You won't be able to fight Helkite as Smough, moving bosses outside of their map won't work either – they were never intended to leave the map, but you can move them freely across their own map.

You can play as Manus against the Sanctuary Guardian.
