In a world where post-launch DLC and Season Passes can dominate headlines seemingly more so than the games from which they support, it's nice to see a developer stick to the main game being the only thing that needs purchasing. Momentary lapses of idealism aside, Monster Hunter: World will stick with the pricing formula it has used in its time on handheld and won't charge for post-launch DLC as reported by Polygon.
"We will continue to release free quests as we always have," said Producer Ryozo Tsujimoto. That said, it's important to note that to play the game online, you will need an Xbox Live Gold or PlayStation Plus subscription. This might not seem like a big deal, but given that the game is coming from a platform where no subscription was required, Tsujimoto apparently felt the need to come forward and say it.
However, with the jump from handheld to consoles and PC, Tsujimoto insinuated that there could be changes to how the company doles out the DLC.
"On portable, you are not always online, so you have to have a system in place where people will download the quests or data when they are at home then play when they are out. Now with the console, we can rely on you being online whenever you’re on."
There aren't any concrete details to pick out from his words, but it could mean that timed events might be something they are considering. But aside from thinking what comes after Monster Hunter: World's launch, the main game itself will remain as meaty as any the series has seen according to Executive Producer, Kaname Fujioka.
He said:
"We have made sure we are putting the volume of gameplay people expect from a Monster Hunter. I think we have our priorities right. We don’t want to let any users down who are used to Monster Hunter being a great, meaty experience."
Monster Hunter: World releases in early 2018 on PS4 and Xbox One and sometime later on PC.
Source: [Polygon]