Mortal Kombat X teams up with ESL for esports mayhem

FIGHT for the $100,000+ prize pool

Who is the best Mortal Kombat X player in North America and Europe? NetherRealm and Warner Bros. want to know, that's why they teamed up with ESL ("the world's largest esports company") to create Who’s Next? Mortal Kombat X Worldwide Competitive Program.

This program will include the Fatal 8 Exhibition Tournament, ESL Mortal Kombat X Pro League Tournament and the Mortal Kombat Cup and will give people the chance to compete for a prize pool that starts at $100,000 (US).

This is how the Who’s Next? Mortal Kombat X Worldwide Competitive Program will play out.

April 11th:

  • The Fatal 8 Exhibition Tournament will take pro-fighting platers from around the world to compete in the inaugural Mortal Kombat X competition. It will be taking place in Burtbank CA, from 1PM PDT to 7PM PDT, you can buy tickets here or watch the stream here.

April 19th:

  • Mortal Kombat X Pro League Tournament will take players from North America and Europe and let them compete for cash prizes every week. On July 11th the grand finals will be held in Los Angeles, CA for the top 16 competitors.

April – June:

  • The Mortal Kombat Cup will take place from April to June in 19 International terretories. It will come to a close on July 5th live from the JAPAN EXPO in Paris.

If you want to see the prize pool go up even higher, you can buy an exclusive Blue Steel Sub-Zero skin — a portion of the profits will go directly into the MKX tournament prize pools.

So, yeah. There you have it. It's time to get good.