The website from which millions of Xbox 360 users have generated forum signatures is closing its doors. was one of the first websites to offer Gamerscore leaderboards, embeddable Gamercards, and the like, and after five years the website is shutting down.
Morgon, the site’s founder, has posted up a lengthy goodbye post in which he runs through his tenure as boss and explains the reasons for the closure, citing a loss of love for the community from Microsoft, declining ad revenue, and more.
“I’m incredibly proud of how far MyGamerCard went, and the status it obtained in the gaming community,” he said. “While in ‘normal’ terms five years isn’t all that long, as far as the Internet goes, that’s essentially a lifetime. QuantCast currently measures MyGamerCard at a rank just under 15,000. Out of nearly 200 million websites on the Internet. I’d consider that an Achievement (Unlocked).”
Who could ever forget the stories surrounding ST TheKing’s early reign atop the leaderboards? Apparently, over eight people played on his Xbox before the unstoppable, furious importer RANCE6 took over as top dog, only for the charts to be ruined by a mass influx of cheaters.