N1ON’s ‘True Skin’ sci-fi short will make you yearn for a future where you can augment your body

If you haven't heard of director Stephan Zlotescu, cinematographer H1, and N1ON, you're about to. They just released a new sci-fi short film called True Skin that's receiving a lot of buzz in the industry. It was shot entirely in Bangkok. Taking place in a not-so-distant future beautifully created with a good amount of CG, it feels a lot like Blade Runner.

In True Skin, humans augment themselves with implants and robotic body parts. The main character, Kaye, has acquired a prototype that has people hunting him down. This is obviously part of a bigger story, but the short has been received so well that studios are reportedly meeting with Zlotescu to pitch a feature version of the short. Watch the short (below) for yourself, and you'll agree that a feature length film would be awesome.

You can follow Movies and Culture Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ. He likes talking sports, video games, and the stupidity of celebrities. Email at [email protected]