These wacky single disk galaxies, am I right people? For those who don’t know, the Milky Way is a single disk galaxy. For those who don’t know, the Earth, that place we live (even you), is in the Milky Way. So if A + B = C, then we live in a single disk galaxy. Science!
Speaking rocket science, NASA’s super computer Pleiades had spent 1 million CPU hours to simulate the creation and life of a single disk galaxy. This video simulates 13.5 billion years ago and catches up to present day. No, the Galaxy doesn’t get destroyed by the end. Personally, I found it to be quite hypnotizing and beautiful.
For those trying to figuring out the video below:
- Red – old starts
- White and Bright Blue – young stars
- Pale Blue – gas density
- The view is 300,000 light years across
It’s still spinning!