Nathan Fillion doesn’t seem too keen on doing more Firefly

'Because enough is enough.'

Nathan Fillion doesn't seem to keen on doing more Firefly

You almost never hear of an intellectual property legitimately wanted to be brought back from the dead. In a world where IPs are crammed down your throat like there's no tomorrow, Firefly is the exception to a very common rule. People want more of it. The problem is, not all of the cast feels the same way. 

During a recent Firefly panel at Long Beach Comic-Con, Nathan Fillion addressed the fan's desire for more of the canceled Sci-Fi show. He said:

"I totally get wanting more. I hear it all the time. "Is there going to be more? When is it? Could there be? What if there was?" And I get it. At the same time, we all had what I would call my dream job. It was the perfect position. Everything was great. Even the challenges we faced, we faced them together. We were all in it together and we were all pulling for the same thing, to make a great show. And I loved every minute of it. It's really hard to look at that kind of stuff and say "Give me more."  Because enough is enough. Oh my god. It was everything. It was everything. How can everything not be enough?"

It seems Fillion at least has made peace with his time on Firefly, and it's by no means a confirmation of the idea that it will never happen. Just don't be surprised if it doesn't. Besides, with the mountain of remakes, revivals, and reboots ad nauseum, wouldn't it be nice to get something more original for a change?

Source: [The Hollywood Reporter]