Naughty Dog appears to be motion capturing a pig for The Last of Us: Part 2

It's all in the details.

Naughty Dog appears to be motion capturing a pig for The Last of Us: Part 2

After its reveal at PlayStation Experience, The Last of Us: Part 2 has understandably gone dark with Naughty Dog pushing Uncharted: The Lost Legacy out later this summer. It's unclear how far along the development team is with so little said about the game ever since, but, like the first game, motion capture is a huge part of the experience. So much so that they are even mo-capping a pig according to Director Neil Druckmann.

Druckmann and writer Halley Gross posted tweets of the pig, and it's adorable.

You know you want that pig for yourself.

Naughty Dog has been active on the social media front with behind-the-scenes mo-cap sessions, showing off both Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson as well as new comer Shannon Woodward flipping a machete. It's also been revealed that Ellie will be the playable character this time around, which makes sense given the focus on her in the game's reveal trailer. 

It's still unknown when The Last of Us: Part II will release, but it's a safe bet that we will hear something from the game during PlayStation Experience 2017.

Source: [Twitter via Gamespot]