Naughty Dog won’t sacrifice Uncharted 4’s gameplay experience for 60fps

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End currently running above 30fps

With gamers clammoring for 60 frames per second in 1080, developer Naughty Dog has said they will not boost the frame rate of Uncharted 4 if it means comprimising the player's experience.

Speaking in the latest issue of EDGE, game dirctor Bruce Straley confirmed that the team does have Uncharted 4's frame rate running "above 30" frames per second, but that they chose to cap it for last month's demo at PlayStation Experience.

"We're actually above 30, but we locked it [for the demo]," Straley explained. "We're going to do whatever it takes to make the game we want to make. If it means we could go for 60 but lose something that would really impact the player's experience, then it's our choice as developers to say, 'Well, we're going to go for the experience over the 60 frames.'"

According to EDGE, a debug station visible on the show floor revealed the game was running at 37 frames per second.

All three previous Uncharted games ran at 30 frames per second on PlayStation 3, but there were hopes that a new console would mean 60fps. Naughty Dog's PS4 re-release of The Last of Us ran at 1080p and 60 frames per second, up from the original game's 720p/30fps on PS3.

Of course, if you saw the demo, you'd realize there's a lot going on in the new Uncharted 4 game.

So let me ask you, would you rather have a solid, stable gameplay experience or Naughty Dog push for 60 frames per second if it meant sacrificing gameplay?

[EDGE | Issue 276]