Nearly 2 million fans played the Dead Space 3 demo over the weekend

For us Dead Space fans out there, we’re less than 24 hours away from having it in our grubby little hands. All the horror, Necromorphs, slaughter, limb tearing, crafting, and… engineering will be ours! I know there are fellow Dead Space 3 fans out there due to the small tiny fact that nearly 2 million people were playing the demo alone this weekend across Xbox 360, PlayStation, and Origin. That’s a whole lot of folk. To compare this number to Dead Space 2, it is a double digit increase in demo players. I remember the DS2 demo and being damn impressed with that as well.

Fans for this horror shooter are also blowing up the social media world. There has been no lack of mention of Dead Space 3 across the Facebook and Twitter scene. There has been a solid 100,000 mentions of DS3 alone across the social media platforms. With nearly 90,000 new “likes” on the Facebooks, that brings the total up to 1.4 million.

With these sorts of numbers it would seem like the fan base is ready for some Dead Space 3 action, Altman knows I am.