New Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice photos feature Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, and Jesse Eisenberg

Dark Knight vs. Man of Steel match of the century

New photos of Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice have just hit the web, giving us new looks at Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, and Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor (with hair!). In addition to the photos, Affleck sat down with EW to talk a bit about Wayne Manor.

“Batman is basically the American version of Hamlet," Affleck said. "We accept that he’s played by actors with different interpretations.”

 Ben Affleck Batman Bruce Wayne

Affleck's Batman will be a bit different than the ones we've seen in the past — he'll be an older, more tired version of the character. This follows Frank Miller's comic of Batman V. Superman, which Zack Synder stated many times before which he uses as a guideline for the movie. “He’s at the end of his run and maybe the end of his life," said Affleck. "There’s this sort of world-weariness to it.” As you can see in the photos, Affleck's Bruce Wayne has some gray streaks in his hair. 

ben affleck learning

Ben Affleck also went on to talk about the Wayne Manor, which is said to be "a desolate husk, overtaken by weeds and water-stains after years of neglect."


Additionally, EW also released a photo of a young Lex Luthor which will be played by Jessie Eisnburg. Lux Luthor seems to be one of the most interesting castings in the movie, we will see if Jessie could pull off the menacing villain, Lex Luthor.

Jesse Eisenberg Lex Luthor

Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice is set to release March 25th, 2016