New BioShock Infinite Heavy Hitter revealed — Boys of Silence

Irrational Games brought us another one of their Heavy Hitters featurettes today.  Ken Levine and crew introduced us to the "Boys of Silence."  As much as I want to make a spoof of Don Henley's song, "The Boys of Summer," I will refrain.  A song about the Boys of Silence would be too terrifying. 

Ken Levine says in the video that as soon as he saw the concept for the Boys of Silence, he wanted to run with it, which is rare.  He is also dead on when he says the fact that you can't see their face is what makes them so creepy.  They have what looks like the Liberty Bell as a mask.  Their moth can move, but you can't see any face underneath.

They are also blind, but they have exceptional hearing.  So, when you come across one, players will have the choice to try to sneak around or confront them.  When going the action route, they are quick to call for reenforcements, so go in with a plan.

BioShock Infinite is set to release on October 16, 2012.  Be sure to check back for more new and Heavy Hitters featurettes.