New Disgaea D2 game dated for October

NIS America is preparing to launch the newest in the line of incredibly robust tactical role-playing games known as the Disgaea series. This will be the most recent entry since Disgaea 4: A Promise Forgotten released in 2011.

Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness (also known as Disgaea Dimension 2) is a sequel to the original game, Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, which came out for the PlayStation 2 in 2003. Publisher NIS America has set a North American release date of October 8 for the upcoming PlayStation 3 title.

The game's release falls during celebrations of Nippon Ichi Software's 20th anniversary, and it also marks a milestone for the Disgaea series, which is turning 10 this year.

D2 rounds up the original cast of characters as well: the prince Laharl, the Prinny squad leader Etna, and the angelic Flonne. It also introduces a new face, Sicily.


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