New documentary tackles the implications and complications surrounding GamerGate

When GamerGate erupted last year, everyone who had ever seen half an episode of Law & Order not only became an instant internet lawyer, but also held dual doctorates in Armchair Psychology and were ready to deliver their verdict on not only the legal implications of the women dragged into the insanity but also to tell these same people (such as Quinn, Sarkeesian and Wu) that the death threats, taunts of rape and that experience on the whole wasn’t that bad. The whole thing was a cluster, and while the intensity of it does seem to have backed off, there’s that lingering taste from it and the question remains of what really lead up to it’s implosion and how it got as nasty as it did, a confusion still felt buy a lot of the community.

That’s the goal of Shannon Sun-Higginson’s new effort, GTFO: The Movie. Sun-Higginson had been investigating the reality of women in gaming when GamerGate exploded and the project moved to accommodate the new layer and when asked why bother with such a task, her response was fairly reasonable, “At the other end of that message, there’s a mom and you just told her you’re going to murder her children. This isn’t just going out into the interwebs, this is a real person.” 

GTFO: The Movie is available on iTunes.