Thanks to the pre-order listing at Amazon, we have five new images and artwork for the upcoming Star Fox Zero to be released on Wii U. Fox McCloud along with the Arwing and airship transforming into it's ground attack vehicle. First revealed at this year's E3, Star Fox Zero will utilize a two pronged control system. If you like you can utilize simply the left and right control sticks or for those more grizzled veterans, feel free to use the gyroscope built into the Wii U gamepad. Just as a fighter pilot pulls back on the throttle to go up and pushes forward to go down, the gyroscope will function in the same manner.
Star Fox Zero has a release window of December 2015 and will be the last major title released on the console this year. With Zelda Wii U being pushed back into 2016, we may very well be seeing the end of the console's tenure with the announcement of the Nintendo NX console to be revealed next year as well.