New information on Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain online multiplayer revealed

It's all about the gear!

The official Twitter account for the online multiplayer companion to Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, Metal Gear Online, opened themselves up for a Q&A sessions between themselves and their followers on Twitter today. The Q&A revealed a ton of information on what we can expect in Metal Gear Online.

The Q&A was prefaced with an image of gear side-by-side and and a bit of background information on gear customization.

The game allows players to access different gear types, and one nice feature is the ability to change color, or even patterns on most gear.

Metal Gear Solid 5

To demonstrate this, here is a shot of two identical pieces of gear, modified in color and pattern. On launch there should be plenty of ways for players to modify their gear and take on a unique persona on the battlefield.

After that, questions rolled in from every part of the globe.


Question: What if I want a different shirt or jacket to go with that, can I do it? Or are they all presets…

Metal Gear Online: They are not all presets, no


Question: Is Gear cosmetic or do they affect player stats?

MGO: Gear doesn't affect stats, but your visual look can affect how easily you're seen.


Question: Can camo patterns and weapons/equipment be colored as well?

MGO: Patterns cannot be customized by themselves, but there are a variety of examples to choose from.

Question: Are there any plain colors to choose from or is everything camo patterns (other than beige/brown)? Any vibrant colors?

MGO: Yes a few dozen or more, plain colors as well.


Question: Will there be different categories to choose from, such as: Head, upper body, lower body, hands, feet, waist etc.?

MGO: There will be different categories than in Metal Gear Online 2, but not the same ones.

Question: Can we mix and match gear/clothes or are some things exclusive to certain classes?

MGO: Some gear options are class specific.


Question: Will you be able to stand out in Metal Gear Online or will all gear appear the same?

MGO: It's pretty easy to stand out in the game, there are enough gear variations to create more looks than you'll likely ever see, but yes it's up to individuals to decide how different they want to look from teammates or most players.


Question: Will we be able to change between our saved outfitsloadouts in-game or will we have to wait until a pre-game screen?

MGO: In-game yes, during matches no

Non-Gear related Q&A

Question: Will there be open world online (at least for two players?)

MGO: No, there is no open world online co-op

Question: Living in Japan. Will the Japanese version of TTP have English support like Ground Zeroes?

MGO: It should yes

Question: Will it be possible to transfer my saved data (multi-player data included ) from PS3 <>PS4 ?

MGO: No you cannot transfer save data

Question: Is MGO3 coming to last-gen consoles too?

MGO: Yes on PS3 and Xbox 360

[MGO Forums]