New Justice League photo shows Aquaman in full costume, trident and all

Is it November yet?

Justice League photos keep coming out in drips and drabs, and today's new photo shows five of the team's six members all lined up and ready to go. 

Aquaman is in full costume and joins the team for the first time with trident in hand. Of course, the sixth member missing is Superman himself. Henry Cavill will play Superman in Justice League again, but no word on how his return "from the dead" after Batman vs. Superman will be presented. The photo is from USA Today and taken from an upcoming newspaper.

The setting has yet to be confirmed, but you can clearly see all five members exiting some sort of transport vehicle with the door nearly fully open. The smoke is most likely for effect and will be accompanied by the typical "whooooosh" sound effect as the door opens. All we see in the environment are some rocks and small brush, so it's hard to decipher where in the film this would take place as there are many possibilities.

Ray Fisher looks pretty intimidating as Cyborg and Ben Affleck has the proverbial Batman look as well. Most importantly in the picture is the fact that Jason Momoa's Aquaman is finally "part of the team" so to speak. The most we've seen so far from set photos and trailers is him pinning Ben Affleck against a wall. It seems he's finally come around as the team is now still only 83% complete (We're looking at you Superman). 

Justice League hits theaters on November 17th, 2017. Following that up will be The Flash in March of 2018 and Aquaman July 2018. Cyborg will release in 2020. Wonder Woman's film is next releasing this June worldwide.
