New League of Legends Champion revealed: Jhin, the Virtuoso

League's slowest marksman yet still packs a deadly punch

After weeks of teasing us, Riot Games has officially revealed the new champion for League of Legends — Jhin, the Virtuoso.

Described as "League's slowest marskman yet," Jhin is a "meticulous and calculating." But if the murderous marksman does get you in his sights and catch you off-guard, that's pretty much it. "Perfect death," as Riot teases.

League of Legends - Jhin the Virtuoso

Check out Jhin's abilities below:


Jhin’s gun – Whisper – chambers four shots, the last of which always crits and applies extra damage based on a portion of his target’s missing health. After firing all four shots, Jhin takes a moment to reload.

Jhin’s crits deal less damage than normal, and his attack speed doesn’t actually scale with attack speed. Instead, Jhin gains attack damage from any attack speed and crit chance he earns through itemization and runes, while crits give him a burst of movement based on his attack speed.


Jhin throws a cannister at a nearby targeted enemy. After landing, the cannister bounces up to four times on other nearby enemies. Killing an enemy with Dancing Grenade causes the following bounces to deal extra damage.


Passive: Enemy champions that have been struck by Jhin’s basic attacks, Captive Audience, or any allied damage are marked for a few seconds.

Active: Jhin fires a massively long range shot that damages all enemy minions and the first enemy champion in a target direction. If the enemy champion he strikes has already been marked, they’re briefly rooted, while Jhin himself gains a burst of movement speed.


Jhin places a trap on the ground that turns invisible after arming. Enemy champions that walk over the trap trigger it, revealing and marking them with Deadly Flourish and creating a large slowing zone. After a brief pause, the trap detonates, damaging all enemies inside its explosion.


Jhin fully assembles his weapon before taking aim in a target direction, revealing all marked targets in a huge area. He can then fire four rounds that stop at the first enemy champion struck, slowing them and dealing damage based on their missing health. Jhin’s fourth and final shot with Curtain Call deals massively increased damage and is guaranteed to crit.

Jhin is described as a "different kind of marksman," with a low attack speed that will "often see him pushed under the tower, and having to fire off his shots to last hit instead of harass." The trick to his laning phase is perfectly placed Captive Audience traps and waiting for the Jungler to gank.

In team fights, Jhin has two viable strategies: appeart at the start of the battle, or at the end. If setting the stage early, fire his ult first to slow the enemy frontliners from getting where they want to be and putting your team in better position. If waiting until the end, tack the traditional backline position, set up traps to protect your team, and aim Deadly Flourish at marked targets.

Jhin is said to work well with Darius, Nautilus, and Morgana, while struggling against Yasuo, Jarvan IV, and Lucian. Check out his full reveal here.