New Lollipop Chainsaw trailer is loud and awesome

Yesterday, we got a glimpse at the many outfits Lollipop Chainsaw protagonist Juliet Starling would have at her disposal. There were bikinis, school girl outfits, and manga-themed costimes. All of the costumes were pretty badass, so it was with a heavy heart that I reported that they would be exclusive to the Japanese version of the game.

Well, I was wrong, folks, and I'm glad I was wrong. As tweeted on the official Lollipop Chainsaw Twitter account, all outfits will be available everywhere. That's awesome news, and it's great that everyone who buys Lollipop Chainsaw will have access to all of the content, regardless of what region they're in.

To further hype up the different costumes, a new trailer for the game was released. The video shows off the different outfits, and we also get a peak at some of the enemies and areas. Everything has a colorful look to it, and the whole trailer is really loud. In other words, this is an awesome trailer, and you should definitely check it out.

Lollipop Chainsaw is slated for a June 12 launch here in North America. Watch out for it, because this one has the potential to be a great summer(ish) game.
