New Nioh screenshots show off twisted new enemies, environments, and a hand cannon

Is that Blighttown 2.0?

After a strong alpha demo back in April, Nioh went from a relatively unheard of game to the second coming for fans of Dark Souls and Ninja Gaiden. The game is basically the skeleton of Dark Souls, covered in the fast twitch muscle fiber and nervous system of the Ninja Gaiden reboot that showed Team Ninja could do more than make breasts jiggle. It was a meaty demo that boasted difficulty high enough to break even the most hardcore Dark Souls sadists, and now it's getting a follow up.

From August 23 to September 6, players will be able to enjoy the Nioh beta demo. It should have a slew of gameplay adjustments to reflect the major complaints from the alpha demo's survey, and these new screen shots show off some improvements to the graphics, namely lighting effects:


Nioh 2

Nioh 3

Nioh 4

Nioh 6

Nioh 7

If you want to see more screenshots for this PS4 exclusive, check out the games official website and get ready for the free beta in August. If you missed it, check out the E3 trailer below and get a glimpse at some of the new characters, guardians, enemies, and weapons.

Nioh is shaping up to be the AAA experience Koei Tecmo has been lacking for a long time now, and it's coming after From Soft has announced its intentions to step away from the Souls genre. Do you think Koei Tecmo has a winner on their hands? Let us know in the comments section.