New Pokemon game hits iOS and Android devices today

Magikarp Jump!

A new Pokémon mobile game has hit the market and it's all about the best Pokémon that was ever designed, Magikarp. The Pokémon Company knows how much Magikarp is loved by the Pokémon community, that's why they released a theme song for the Pokémon not too long ago. 

Today, Magikarp Jump is officially available on the iOS App Store and Google Play Store for free! the game has players catching a Magikarp and letting it do what it does best, flop around.

That's right, the point of the game is to see how high your Magikarp can jump – with a little help from your training. Once your Magikarp his level 20 you can try again with a whole new generation of Magikarp to train that will be even stronger than the previous generation.

Not all Magikarp look the same and the game does feature other Pokémon, but they just help you (most of the time).

Yes, there are in-app purchases like items to speed up training, food stock, and decor.