New PS4 commercial airs during Monday Night Football

If you were watching the Chargers dominate time of possession during their 19-9 win over the Colts on Monday Night Football, you might have noticed a new commercial for the one-month-away PlayStation 4 (which you can see below).

The TV spot shows two friends battling it out in suits of armor, racing against each other, and then shooting at each other in a battlefield similar to what you'll find in Killzone: Shadow Fall. The whole time, the two friends are singing about what a perfect day it is playing these PlayStation 4 games with each other. 

It's a pretty funny commercial, and I couldn't be more excited for November 15th, when I get to pick up my PlayStation 4 pre-order.

"You just keep me hanging on."

You can follow Senior Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ. He likes talking sports, video games, movies, and the stupidity of celebrities. Email at [email protected]
