New Star Wars: The Force Awakens photos enter spoiler territory

What next? They are going to release 14 more trailers before it releases?



Finn, BB8 and Poe

Boyega Isaac

Finn and Oscar Isaac as Poe Dameron

Oscar Boyega

Kylo Ren, Finn and Rey

Ren Rey Boy

Finn, Chewbacca and Han Solo


Adam Driver as Kylo Ren with his… friends

Kylo Ren

Rey in the Star Destroyer

Star Destroyer

Finn and Rey

Finn, Rey

Daisy Ridley, BB8 and John Boyega

Daisy Ridley BB8

A number of new Star Wars: The Force Awakens images have popped up and much like the most recent TV Spot that was revealed earlier this week, they are entering dangerous territories. Perhaps director JJ Abrams thinks he still has plenty of secrets tucked away and feels comfortable showing us new scenes or maybe Disney is trying to tease as much as possible, who knows.

All I know is, the photographs that Entertainment Weekly released could very well be considered spoilers. Some of the images are safe enough and others take scenes we've seen and add cast members to them that weren't there before! 

It's a dangerous game to play, looking through the photos… but someone has to do it. On the following pages you will find images – some might be spoilers, some might be safe. Consider it Star Wars Roulette, you never know what you're going to get (then again, you might not think any of them are spoilery).