Star Wars: The Last Jedi is mere months away from its release, and for the most part, Disney has been pretty good about keeping serious spoilers under wraps. They have instead been focusing on the details that surround the main plot, such as the Porgs. Such is the case once again as the latest episode of The Star Wars show revealed images of some all-new First Order vehicles.
The first of which is the new AT-AT Walker called the AT-M6, or the "Megacaliber Six." The walker itself has redesigned legs for better balance across different types of terrain and comes with a beefy cannon on its back. Here's a screenshot.
The other vehicle that was revealed is The First Order Dreadnaught, a Super Star Destroyer-like vessel with two giant orbital auto cannons and "a ton of anti-aircraft cannons on its surface." Here's what that ship looks like.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi arrives in theaters on December 15th, and is said to feature Han Solo's Ghost in a way that we won't expect. Director Rian Johnson and Mark Hamill have also fully endorsed the idea that fans try to avoid any and all marketing materials for the film until release. But if you're already reading this, then it's too late.
Source: [Star Wars Show via Gamespot]