New Sunset TV episode is all about answering your Sunset Overdrive questions

Insomniac Games' Brandon Winfrey has left it up to you to create the content of this week's Sunset TV episode. The entire episode is dedicated to answering your questions about Sunset Overdrive. From the inspiration behind the game's name to the biggest secret Insomniac Games can't tell us, Winfrey opens up about it all.

So if you seek the answers to any of the following questions, watch the video below.

  1. What's the inspiration behind  the name "Sunset Overdrive"?
  2. What's the name of the guy from the E3 trailer?
  3. Will you be able to play the game after you beat it?
  4. Does the game use rumble triggers?
  5. Can the game get difficult in some areas?
  6. What's the biggest secret you can't tell us?