New Super Mario Bros. U trailer shows five player co-op, Challenge and Boost Rush modes

Keeping up with our Wii U coverage today, we now have up a new trailer for New Super Mario Bros. U., the Wii U's take on the classic Nintendo franchise. New Super Mario Bros. U doesn't deviate too far from Mario's formula for success; it still has the classic 2D Mario platforming, but adds a few twists to spice up the gameplay.

Keeping up with Nintendo's emphasis on connecting gamers, New Super Mario Bros. U allows for co-op gameplay for up to five players. It follows the asymmetric gameplay design Nintendo has focused on with the GamePad controller; that is, one player with the GamePad controller competes differently then those playing the same game with the Wiimotes.

The player with the Wii U GamePad takes on a special role, playing in the same world as those with the Wiimotes, but have a different perspective on the same game being played, usually different information or a different role than the others. In the case of New Super Mario Bros. U, the player with the GamePad manipulates the environment for the other players by creating blocks, distracting enemies, and finding items.

The trailer also shows off two new gameplay modes: Challenge Mode, which requires you to complete specific timed trials, and Boost Rush Mode, which puts wind at your and forces you to keep running by collecting more coins and going faster.

New Super Mario Bros. U will be a Wii U launch game. As we all know by now, Nintendo has plans to release the new console on November 18 here in the U.S.