If you don't mind spoilers, then you'll want to check out the newest trailer for Terminator Genisys. Not only does it give us a lengthier look at the upcoming film, but it also spoils a major plot twist — like HUGE!
I won't ruin it for you here, but let's just say if the studio was looking for a new way to breathe life into the franchise, this is it I guess. Though I'm not particularly fond of the direction they chose to go, it seems reaction to the twist has been fairly positive. It's certainly an interesting twist on the canon, that's for sure. I just wish they would've kept it a secret instead of spoiling it in the trailer. After all, we're only a few months' away from the film's July 1st release.
For me, the whole movie just looks completely stupid and pointless, but I'll probably see it anyway because it's Terminator and I'm just another sheep in the herd.
Hate the new Terminator movie with me on Twitter, @Matt_GZ.