NieR: Automata is all action in new 24-minute gameplay demo from TGS 2016

Slicing and dicing galore...

(Starts at 20:57, ends at 44:42)

NieR: Automata isn't hiding from the fact that it's going for an all-out action approach when it releases in early 2017. This isn't necessarily a surprise since it is being developed by Platinum Games, a developer known for such greats as MadWorld, Bayonetta, Vanquish, and Metal Gear: Rising Revengeance. Say what you want about their narratives (and they aren't great), they nail action.

NieR: Automata is a follow-up to the cult classic, NIER, and takes place in the same world as the original game, but is not considered a direct sequel. Automata's story revolves around otherworldly invaders who unleash dangerous machines upon humanity. After losing the fight, the humans abandon Earth and take shelter on the moon. In retaliation for the invasion, humanity creates The YoRHa squad, a group of android soldiers sent to reclaim the Earth and discover a forgotten truth. 

Hopefully, Automata will represent a step forward for Platinum Games' narrative prowess, but even if it doesn't, it won't matter much with all that slicing and dicing going on.

Source: [YouTube via Gematsu]