Night Shift’s soundtrack made me fall in love with Dance with the Dead

Night Shift is an Early Access PC game that I will be talking a lot about in the near future. Provided, of course, my editor-in-chief lets me. He doesn't have a choice, though; I'm going to bug him non-stop about it because the game is both unqiue and enjoyable.

Oh, and the music is absolutely outstanding too.

Here's the track (Dance with the Dead's "Robeast") which is heavily featured in the game:

The intro, the first climax into what sounds like a chorus, the constant rhythm of the synth, it's all just absolute perfection to my ears. Much to my surprise, Dance with the Dead is also on Spotify. Their albums do not disappoint. I can't stop listening to them. It's like if someone took an 80s movie soundtrack, interjected them with what you'd expect from modern age synth-pop, and glently made love to retro video games.

Here's a track from their 2014 EP "Into the Abyss:"

As I'm listening, I feel like I'm diving deeper and deeper through an underwater level in a video game. I'm starring into the dark, unaware of the horrors that await for me. yet I continue my journey, as foolhardy as it might be. 

It perfectly matches the emotions the music in Night Shift pull from players. Once progress is made in the game, the music begins. Quietly at first, the momentum slowly stirring in the darkness. More progress brings more music, building up to a triumphant crescendo that signifies success.

Look, I just really like Dance with the Dead's music. You should check them out. 

You should also check out Night Shift, currently available on Steam Early Access for $4.99