Nintendo 3DS themes detailed and priced

Nintendo hasn't been sitting around since they revealed the New 3DS/XL, in fact they've been quite busy.

Busy pricing out themes for the 3DS/XL and 2DS, that is. That's right folks, the themes that you'll be seeing sometime in 'October' are coming to you for a price (the themes are coming to Japan in 'mid-October'). If you end up paying for a theme you get more than a picture, you also get new background music.

The themes won't be priced the same – it depends on whether or not it has a face:

  • Character themes are between $2.00/200 yen and $1.50/150 yen (some themes appear to be exclusive Japan).
  • Generic themes (stars, dots, or stripes) will be $1.00/100 yen

If you don't want to pay for a theme, there's hope for you. There are two free themes, both of which will cycle between colors – the difference in the themes is that one has the same color on both screens and the other has different colors per screen.


If you're more interested in the faceplates you can check them out here. Unfortunately, those snazzy faceplates are only for the New 3DS (not the New 3DS XL).

[Warning: When you click 'here' there will be music – to turn off the audio look to the bottom right of the browser.]

If you want to get hypnotized check out the New 3DS' promo site…You'll never be able to look away.

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