Nintendo brings some excellent surprises to Gamescom

Fatal Frame, and Xenoblade, and bundles...oh my!

Nintendo has been busy at Gamescom this year. Heck, it seems they're releasing more info on certain games than they did at E3! Firstly, they announced that the first two episodes of Fatal Frame: Maiden of the Black Water are available on the European Wii U eShop to try out. Personally, I've been waiting for this game since it was first announced last year.

Next, Nintendo unleashed an onslaught of Xenoblade Chronicles news, stating the original Wii game is now available to download on the European eShop. In addition, if the original is purchased, the consumer can get a discount on the upcoming Xenoblade Chronicles X – if it is purchased on the same Wii U.

Finally, Nintendo highlighted the Xenoblade Chronicles X bundle that has only been shown a tiny bit thus far.

All of this looks outstanding, but notice that this is all for the European Nintendo fans. Here's to hoping we get the same treatment here in the States!