Nintendo digital downloads hit Amazon marketplace

One click buy, becomes more dangerous by the minute.

Amazon is doing their best to take over the entire gaming industry, at least when it comes to which company sells the most variety of games. The latest partnership for Amazon will have Wii, Wii U and 3DS owners fist-pumping with joy over the ease that Amazon purchases bring.

Amazon and Nintendo have partnered up to bring digital Wii, Wii U and 3DS game downloads to the Amazon market. The entire Nintendo library of games isn't available yet, but maybe one day we can look forward to that. 

Beaming the games to your Nintendo console/handheld will be relatively easy once you link your Nintendo ID with Amazon. After you purchase a game, click the Nintendo Network Link, log into your Nintendo account and boom, you've got a new game that will download on your platform of choice. This feature isn't only limited to newer Nintendo games, some virtual console games are also available for download through Amazon.

The timing for this announcement couldn't be better with the New Nintendo 3DS bundle on the way.