Nintendo lowers 3DS sales forecast, expects strong Wii U sales

Nothing a little Pokémon can't fix

In its latest financial report, Nintendo forecasts a dip in 3DS performance for the 2015 fiscal year.

The company estimates that the handheld’s hardware sales will drop by one million units (13 percent), while its software predictions have been reduced by 900 thousand (16 percent). As Polygon reports, this is reflected in the company’s overall sales predictions, which have dropped by roughly $1.4 billion (26 percent).

The report is not purely red, however, no doubt to the relief of Nintendo’s investors. Software sales predictions for Wii and Wii U have been increased by 300 thousand (75 percent) and 400 thousand (17 percent), respectively. The Wii U, in particular, has over-performed: it met its original target of 23 million game sales in December.

It might seem strange to see 3DS predictions lowered given the recent announcement of Pokémon Moon and Sun, which will surely move some handhelds, but we have to remember that this report only covers FY2015. Moon and Sun are still a ways away, so although their inevitably strong sales will be a boon for the 3DS, Nintendo can't boast about them until the 2016 fiscal year begins in April.