In 1993 gamers were given a gift. A rare and wonderful disaster that taught us all the joys of goombas dancing in elevators. That gift was a movie known as Super Mario Bros. Sadly, the world doesn’t know what’s good for it and it bombed. Nintendo hasn’t done another movie of its kind in over 20 years.
However, this might change as Nintendo branches out and partners with companies like Universal Studios. Shigeru Miyamoto discussed the idea recently, “we’ve had, over the years, a number of people who have come to us and said ‘Why don’t we make a movie together—or we make a movie and you make a game and we’ll release them at the same time?’ Because games and movies seem like similar mediums, people’s natural expectation is we want to take our games and turn them into movies… I’ve always felt video games, being an interactive medium, and movies, being a passive medium, mean the two are quite different….As we look more broadly at what is Nintendo’s role as an entertainment company, we’re starting to think more and more about how movies can fit in with that—and we’ll potentially be looking at things like movies in the future.”
Until we get official word of a Zelda series or a Metroid: Fury Road we’ll just have to comfort ourselves with some of the amazing fan generated films that have populated the net.