Nintendo NX launch line-up reportedly to include new Pokémon and Mario games

Oh please bring us a proper Pokemon game.

Back in April, Nintendo announced that they would be releasing their upcoming console, codenamed NX, in March 2017 and that it would be releasing with the delayed Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Prior to this announcement, Breath of the Wild had only been rumored for the NX – never confirmed.

New reports say that Breath of the Wild will not be the only returning franchise when the NX launches. According to MCV, the Nintendo NX will get a new Pokemon game and a new Mario game within six months the NX's release.

In addition to those franchises, Nintendo is doing their best to secure third-party support and has Sega, Square Enix, Ubisoft, Activision and Warner Bros already onboard. Which should keep the console from experiencing the same lack of variety that the Wii U had.

Recent reports and rumors (which have been 'confirmed' by people other than Nintendo) say that the NX will be a portable console with detachable controllers. The 'portable' portion of the NX will connect to a home docking device so you can play your games on the big screen. It's being speculated that the NX will cost around $200.