Back in April, Nintendo announced that they would be releasing their upcoming console, codenamed NX, in March 2017 and that it would be releasing with the delayed Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Prior to this announcement, Breath of the Wild had only been rumored for the NX – never confirmed.
New reports say that Breath of the Wild will not be the only returning franchise when the NX launches. According to MCV, the Nintendo NX will get a new Pokemon game and a new Mario game within six months the NX's release.
In addition to those franchises, Nintendo is doing their best to secure third-party support and has Sega, Square Enix, Ubisoft, Activision and Warner Bros already onboard. Which should keep the console from experiencing the same lack of variety that the Wii U had.
Recent reports and rumors (which have been 'confirmed' by people other than Nintendo) say that the NX will be a portable console with detachable controllers. The 'portable' portion of the NX will connect to a home docking device so you can play your games on the big screen. It's being speculated that the NX will cost around $200.