Nintendo officially drops the price of the 2DS

It almost makes me regret paying $150 for my 3DS...almost

Here's one more reason to play the game seen in the trailer above. If you've been waiting for a great price to come along for one of Nintendo's handhelds, now might just be your time. Nintendo has announced that they are officially dropping the price on the less popular 2DS from $100 to $80. The price drop will take effect on May 20th.

The 2DS will now also come bundled with a digital copy of Mario Kart 7, a $30 value.

All things considered, that's not a bad deal. The 2DS plays most every game the 3DS can, except any New 3DS titles (fortunately there aren't that many). The only real differences between the 2DS and the 3DS are its slightly larger size and its inability to use the 3D effects.

To be honest, I barely use the 3D effects on my 3DS and considering the deep library of quality games for the system, $80 is a very good deal for an entry level handheld. 

Source: [Engadget]