Nintendo has officially announced a partnership with Facebook for a Super Mario Maker Hackathon. Check out the details here.
Facebook will be backing the launch of Super Mario Maker, according to now-pulled tweets from Nintendo of America. The two-part announcement promised multiple levels designed by Facebook employees, including a free addition which will join the game’s starter content shortly after launch.
The tweet did not clarify the extent of Facebook’s role, so it’s possible the company will remain involved even after the initial launch period. Not that Super Mario Maker needs the help; Nintendo has pulled out all the stops for the do-it-yourself platformer.
Three Wii U bundles, over 100 levels at launch (including some from the 2015 Nintendo World Championships) and a custom-made design booklet and amiibo are already backing the game. Notably, however, Super Mario Maker will release September 11, 2015, while the 8-bit Mario amiibo won’t be out until October 23.