Nintendo’s strangely misleading email

Something weird popped up in my inbox not long ago. The subject line of the email read, "Super Smash Bros. fans, read on." I quickly clicked on the email, eager to read the contents of what I hoped would be some sort of reveal regarding the next entry in the Smash Bros. series.

Oh, but how terribly mislead I was.

Rather than getting some sort of cool announcement regarding the Smash Bros. series, I got a lengthy paragraph about how Masahiro Sakurai worked on Smash Bros. and Kid Icarus: Uprising. There was no big announcement. There wasn't even really any update on Kid Icarus: Uprising.

All I really got from the email was that Sakurai worked hard on the game, which I most certainly believe. The praises of the single-player and multiplayer were sung, and that was it. I don't think I've ever been more confused about a game in my entire life than I was immediately after reading this email.

I will say that the email got me in the mood to play Kid Icarus: Uprising. Subliminal message maybe? If so, it certainly worked!