With the reveal of the Nintendo Switch and its launch library, many people are left wondering what will happen to the Nintendo 3DS. Reggie Fils-Aime, president of Nintendo of America says that both systems will "live side-by-side"
The Switch's central marketing has been that it can be played anywhere. On a TV, or on the go, the Switch gives you the choice of a home console experience or a mobile adventure. This obviously leaves a question about the existing and successful Nintendo 3DS. Reggie tells Wired that Nintendo has no plans to close the market on the existing portable device.
"In our view, the Nintendo 3DS and the Nintendo Switch are going to live side-by-side. You’re going to be meeting different price points, you’re going to be meeting different types of consumers, you’re going to have the newest, freshest content available on Nintendo Switch, you’ve got a thousand-game library available on Nintendo 3DS, plus some key new ones coming. They’re going to coexist just fine. We’ve done this before, managing two different systems."
He wrapped up his thoughts my saying that the Nintendo Switch is a portable device, but at its heart, " it’s a home console that you can take with you on the go."
The Nintendo Switch will launch worldwide on March 3.